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Profile Pro for Community Builder

Profile Pro for Community Builder 4.5.2

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Profile Pro introduces a powerful and easy way to customize and manage Community Builder extension. It also adds many useful features to CB, such as profile types and multi-step registration.

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نسخه: 4.5.2 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1398-11-01
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده JoomDuck external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 24.90 € EUR

With this extension you can:

  • Customize profile, profile edit and registration pages in Community Builder !visually (using WYSIWYG editor). Get rid of ordinary and boring Community Builder profiles - create beautiful pages with unique design and layout.
  • Categorize users into profile types: each profile type can have its own profile, profile edit and registration pages with different set of !CB fields and !CB tabs, different design and CB template assigned. You can have unlimited number of Community Builder profile types.

Following features are available on profile, profile edit and registration pages:

  • Insert any PHP/HTML/Javascript code easily.
  • Display content (CB field, CB tab, any HTML/PHP code) to users with specific access level or usergroup (others will be restricted to view it).
  • Display content (CB field, CB tab, any HTML/PHP code) conditionally, depending on user's field value. E.g. show "Place of work" and "Job position" fields if user sets "Yes" in "Are you Employed?" select field.
  • Divide a page into several pages.
  • Insert customizable jQuery UI tabs (having several pre-installed themes and options like sortable, collapsible, open on mouseover and remembering last visited tab).
  • Put Joomla! modules, javascript tooltips, modal window links.
  • Use Joomla! content plugins (a great number of plugins for Joomla! articles are now available for CB. E.g. slideshows, maps, comment systems and many more).

Additional features:

  • reCAPTCHA for registration.
  • Multi-step registration (if you have many fields to fill during registration, you can divide them into several pages, navigating with Previous/Next buttons).
  • Compatible with most CB team and 3rd-party CB plugins.
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7 years ago
با سلام در صورت امکان لطفا نسخه 4.5.3 افزونه را قرار دهید
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3 years ago
لطفا بروز کنید. نسخه آخر در حال حاضر 4.6.2 ظاهرا هست.
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