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Geocode Factory 5 gateway for Community Builder

Geocode Factory 5 gateway for Community Builder 5.16.0311

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This plugin create a gateway between Geocode Factory and Community Builder profiles.

نمایش ها 6,123 دانلودها 3
نسخه: 5.16.0311 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1395-12-23
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده myJoom external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 5 EUR

Community Builder is the leading free Joomla user management and community component.

Using Geocode Factory's CB gateway and profile plugins you can give up to 3 sets of geo-coordinates to each of your CB users (multiple addresses, ex: office, home, etc). You can add maps to your CB user profiles, as well as collectively display the locations of your users as markers on another map. Compatible with noth CB and CB PRO.

The gateway plugin for Community Builder contains the following main features:

  • Create markers sets with endless filtering options (categories, custom fields, special database queries, etc)
  • Support of custom fields
  • Allow batch backend geocoding of Mosets Tree entries
  • 3 pairs of coordinates per entry (multi addresses)
  • Display only online/offline users
  • Connect friends on the map
  • User avatar as marker icon
  • Category icon as marker icon
  • Draw lines between users and their articles (Joomla, k2, Form2content), entries (SobiPro or Mosets) or Ads (Adsmanager)
  • Add a sales area field (distance) to your entries
  • Auto-categories feature (entries depending the currently browsed category)
  • and much more..

Profile plugin:

  • Display the user's postion on a map
  • Allow user to move or geocode he's position on a map
  • Silently geocode the user's position based on its address
  • Support the search engine of Community Builder (display results on map)
  • CB 1.x, CB 2.x
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