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Cherry Picker for Virtuemart

Cherry Picker for Virtuemart 3.9.1

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Cherry Picker will allow your visitors to filter products by any parameters, just like Amazon.com/Newegg.com.

نمایش ها 8,145 دانلودها 34
نسخه: 3.9.1 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1399-08-13
توسعه دهنده Maksym
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 19.90 $ EUR

Advantages of Cherry Picker (CP):

  1. CP supports both: Product Types (VM1.1) and Custom Fields (VM2);

  2. Optimized and polished search algorithms provide you best performance out there. You can search tens of thousands of products and still have low loads on your database!

  3. CP comes with a variety of beautiful layouts:
         • Simple List - regular list of filters;
         • Checkbox List - you can select multiple filters with checkboxes and apply all with one click;
         • Dropdown List - HTML-stylized list;
         • Simple Dropdown List - provides an opportunity to search in Progressive Mode -- where you select filters one-by-one.

  4. Color filters can be represented as actual color boxes;

  5. Select ranges of filters (e.g. RAM from 4GB to 8GB):    ——[]———[]—

  6. CP has beautiful URLs (which Google will love). For example:

  7. Update results with Ajax AND update Browser URL address, which means your visitors can bookmark results and return to the very same page;

  8. Cherry Picker comes bundled with VM Breadz — a breadcrubms module that apart from categories also includes applied Filters, Manufacturers, Search keywords in its path!

  9. And final but not least, if you want advanced experience, yo can use Fast Seller — a dedicated component with which you'll be able to manage filters super easily and super fast (which default VM interface cannot provide).

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7 years ago
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7 years ago
سلام. این نسخه زمان تهیه طی گفته سایت آن با جوملا 2.5 و ویرچومارت 2 سازگار می باشد. ونسخه 3.8 به بعد با جوملا 3 سازگار شد. متاسفانه ما الان نسخه جدیدتر آن را نداریم.
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