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R2H ImageManager

R2H ImageManager 2.7.2

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ImageManager for Joomla! allows you to move and rename images without losing the image-link in Articles and Custom HTML Modules. Simply drag & drop your images to restructure and clean-up your website. It also can list all unused images and delete them.


نمایش ها 3,718 دانلودها 19
نسخه: 2.7.2 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1400-12-03
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده R2H external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 39 € EUR


  • Move images easily (drag & drop)
  • Easily rename images
  • Visual indication if an image is (or isn’t) used
  • Show where images are used
  • List all unused images and delete them
  • Search for images by name
  • Create, rename or delete folders
  • Replace spaces or underscores with hyphens (-) in filenames with a batch action
  • Resize multiple images at once with a batch action
  • Compress image size of multiple images with a batch action
  • Easy to use interface
r2h-imagemanager-splash2 r2h-imagemanager-manager3 r2h-imagemanager-fileinfo4 r2h-imagemanager-batch5 r2h-imagemanager-move6
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