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Magic Scroll Commercial

Magic Scroll از سری افزونه های باکیفیت شرکت magicToolbox می باشد. این افزونه توانایی نمایش محصولات و مطالب به صورت اسکرولی را دارد. همانطور که می دانید شرکت magictoolbox  از هر افزونه نسخه های متفاوتی تولید می کند از جمله نسخه ویرچومارت ، جوملا ، وردپرس ، هیکاشاپ و..

Why choose Magic Scroll?

In the JavaScript slider market there are literally hundreds of options. So why should you choose Magic Scroll?

  1. Constant updates. We regularly update Magic Scroll following the best technology trends, but at the same time we keep it compatible with old browsers.
  2. It's fast. Magic Scroll avoids the pitfall that most sliders have - slow loading time. Vanilla JavaScript and CSS3 animations provide the best performance hands-down and lazy-loading helps your page load faster, with keeping all the eye-candy.
  3. Support is always there for you. If you read our reviews you might have noticed how much our customers value our support. We take pride in your success, that's why we do our best to resolve every issue you might encounter.
  4. No subscriptions and a money-back guarantee. Subscription pricing models are extremely popular today. In the long-term they are much much more expensive than the regular one-off payment model that we follow. It's very simple, you buy Magic Scroll - you get to keep it forever. Updates are free for a year. After that - it's only 20% of the initial price. Your purchase is absolutely risk-free thanks to our 30-day money-back guarantee.
  5. Responsive out-of-the-box. Some sliders have problems on mobile devices. Magic Scroll doesn't. It automatically detects the viewport of your visitors device and adjusts the quantity of your slider items accordingly. Swipe gestures make it a breeze to navigate on mobile too, no more clicking that tiny little button to move to the next gallery item.
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