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ArrowChat Business

ArrowChat Business 4.0.1

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Add Chat to Your Site

The most powerful PHP/JQuery chat software available

Views 10,046 Downloads 27
Version 4.0.1 Created
System Joomla 1.5 & 2.5 & 3 & 4 Changed 2024-03-05
Website JED external Developer ArrowSuites external
License GNU/GPL external Price 395 $ EUR

Private Chat

One-on-one chat is our bread and butter. We've been carefully crafting a recipe up for years that makes both the user and admin experience the best in the business. The features listed below are just a small sample of everything included.

Voice/Video Chat

People can video and/or voice chat with each other straight from ArrowChat.


Users can send smilies to each other with ease.

Send Files

Users can send and receive files and images while chatting.

Word Censoring

Automatically block words that you don't want your users saying to each other.

Report Users

Abusers and spammers are no longer a problem as users are able to report conversations.

Block Users

ArrowChat users can instantly block anyone that they don't want to communicate with.

Chat Rooms

Create chat rooms for your users to have a group conversation. Users can also create chat rooms themselves including admin only, password-protected, and public rooms.

More engagement = more time on your site

Flood Controls

Limit the number of messages that a user can send every X seconds.

Silence/Kick Users

Admins/mods have the option of kicking, silencing, or banning those abusive users.

Assign Moderators

Setup moderators and admins in chat rooms that can perform various actions.

Instant Delete

Delete spam or abuse in a chat room in a single click. The message is deleted in real-time.

Welcome Messages

Display a short message for users when they first ever a room.

Descriptions & Images

Now you can give your room more meaning before a user enters with a short description and image.


With our full application system, you can download a wide variety of applications from our store to use with ArrowChat. You can even create your own and submit them too.

arrowchat-12 arrowchat-23
Only registered and logged in users can download this file.


Okayates Ozmanevra
Okayates Ozmanevra
7 years ago
:o :oops: :-x
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Saeed Ghofrani
Saeed Ghofrani
1 year ago
In The Name Of GOD,

v4 stable is ready.
Please Update.

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