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OL Content Modal

Content Modal Joomla module allows you to display, content, custom or k2 items on a popup modal mode.

Available in three modal versions: default center and popup right and popup left. The module has awesome 10 styles.

General settings

  • Modal pop up: Popup Center, Popup right, Popup left, No Popup
  • Style: Dark Square, White Square, Dark slide up v1, Dark slide up v2, White slide up, Dark slide up v3, Round, Card Round, Card Square, Card Square v2
  • Version: Standard or Slider
  • Item Disatance
  • Load Jquery


  • Category filters - Yes/No
  • Tag filters - Yes/No
  • Show filter labels - Yes/No
  • Count Items
  • Image type - Intro Image, Fulltext Image, Inline Image
  • Category Filtering Type - Inclusive, Exclusive
  • Category - Select
  • Child Category Articles - Include, Exclude
  • Category Depth
  • Show title - Yes/No
  • Title word limit
  • Strip HTML tags - Yes/No
  • Allow plugins - Yes/No
  • Show date - Yes/No
  • Show category - Yes/No
  • Show author - Yes/No
  • Tag Filtering Type - Inclusive, Exclusive
  • Tag - Select
  • Include children tags - Include, Exclude
  • Match Tags - Any, All
  • Author Filtering Type - Inclusive, Exclusive
  • Authors - Select
  • Author Alias Filtering Type - Inclusive, Exclusive
  • Author Aliases - Select
  • Featured Articles - Show, Hide, Only
  • Date Filtering - Off, Date range, Relative Date
  • Date Range Field - Created, Modified, Starting Publishing date
  • Start Date Range - Select
  • To Date - Select
  • Relative Date - Select
  • Date Field
  • Date Format - Your choice
  • Article IDs to Exclude
  • Article Field to Order By - Article Manager Order, Featured Articles Order, Hits, Title, ID<, Alias, Created Date, Modified Date, Start Publishing Date, Finish Publishing Date
  • Ordering Direction - Descending, Ascending

K2 Items

  • Source - K2 categories / Custom K2 Items
  • Category filter - All / Select
  • K2 Categories - Select
  • Fetch items from children categories
  • Count Items
  • Featured Items - Show / Hide / Show only Featured Items
  • Time range (if ordering is set to 'most popular' or 'most commented')
  • Items ordering
  • Category filter - Yes/No
  • Custom k2 Items
  • Add Items
  • Items settings
  • Image Size - XSmall, Small, Medium, Large, XLarge
  • Show title - Yes/No
  • Show date - Yes/No
  • Show category - Yes/No
  • Show author - Yes/No

Custom Items

  • Image
  • Created - author or date
  • Title
  • Info text
  • Read more link

Slider Settings

  • Items - one to ten
  • Items (Tab Landscape) - one to ten
  • Items (Tab Portrait) - one to ten
  • Items (Mob Landscape) - one to ten
  • Items (Mob Portrait) - one to ten
  • Sliding Time
  • Sliding Speed
  • Auto play (Yes/No)
  • Loop (Yes/No)
  • Show arrows (Yes/No)
  • Arrows style (top/bottom/center)
  • Item distance
  • Show next previous items (Yes/No)

Standard settings

  • Items - one to ten
  • Items (Tab Landscape) - one to ten
  • Items (Tab Portrait) - one to ten
  • Items (Mob Landscape) - one to ten
  • Items (Mob Portrait) - one to ten
Only registered and logged in users can download this file.


4 weeks ago
Please update to OL Content modal v4.0.15.
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