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JSitemap Pro

JSitemap is an award winning sitemap generator extension and a complete SEO solution for Joomla! and offers an innovative and revolutionary way to manage all types of sitemap contents without need of additional plugins! Up to 400% more site visibility! Boost your indexing with JSitemap, the advanced sitemap generator and SEO indexing tool for Joomla!

Built on the shoulders of Google, now JSitemap ships with the official integration with Google Webmasters Tools and Search Console to submit, resubmit, delete sitemaps, monitor indexing status, monitor and fix crawl errors directly inside your Joomla! backend using a user friendly interface! Moreover the Google Search Console section lets you monitor organic searches, keywords, clicks, impressions, and the average SERP position for each page of your website.

Virtuemart 2-3, Kunena 3.x and Easyblog5 compatible! You can also put into your sitemap Virtuemart products and categories! Moreover JSitemap is the only one extension that can generate a full sitemap for Kunena 3.x and supports Zoo with ZooLingual multilanguage! Google announced that on April 21, 2015 the mobile-friendly factor will affect the ranking in search results, it's important that you index your site also for mobile devices.
Moreover JSitemap is able to configure the Joomla! robots.txt automatically to allow access to CSS/JS resources and fix the Google warning 'Googlebot Cannot Access CSS & JS' making Google happy.

JSitemap is an award winning extension and leader SEO indexing tool for Joomla!, it's a MUST for every site simply because a site that is not visible to search engines is... unuseful! You can increase the number of links indexed by Google up to 400% and gain a lot more visibility for your site!

JSitemap has advanced and unique features to generate every possible kind of sitemap:

  • No plugins required, include links in the sitemap for each extension
  • Responsive HTML sitemap
  • Standard XML sitemap
  • Mobile devices XML sitemap
  • Images XML sitemap
  • Geolocation XML/KML sitemap
  • Videos XML sitemap for Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion videos
  • Google News sitemap
  • Hreflang multilanguage XML sitemap
  • RSS feeds XML generation
  • Realtime sitemap generation
  • Integrated sitemaps submission to search engines
  • Easy SEO control panel
  • SEO stats calculation: Alexa and Google rank, number of indexed links, etc
  • Google Webmasters Tool and Search Console integration™
  • One-click Wizard for data sources
  • Integrated robots.txt editor
  • Integrated htaccess editor
  • Search engines metainfo dashboard
  • Responsive multi-columns for mobile, 10 templates included
  • Multiple sitemap modules, add footer or side navigation tree
  • Links Analyzer to find broken and not indexed links
  • Ping search engines for new and edited contents
  • Google Indexing Tester™ to monitor how your site is indexed
  • Stats and charts for sitemaps
  • Custom 404 page contents
  • Fix duplicated titles for Joomla paginated contents
  • Multiple sitemaps with different contents using datasets
  • Mindmap SCK - Sitemap construction kit™
  • Caching system to speed up sitemap generation
  • Precaching with sitemaps AJAX generation
  • Splitting of large sitemap
  • Google Analytics integration
  • New technology to avoid Joomla HTTP 301/303 redirects let sitemaps be accepted from Bing and less powerful search engines

Inversion of Control Principle™ for the very first time it's reality!

JSitemap for the very first time offers functionalities to realize an Inversion of Control principle for indexing your site.
While till now you had to wait that search engines come to crawl your site in a passive mode, now you can reverse this route and being you that go to search engines sending information about your contents.

Now are you that go to search engines to shout: "EHY! I've updated my site, here is the link!"

You can do this with sitemap submit functionality available in SEO control panel, but this can be achieved even in a more powerful way thanks to the integration of Ping-O-Matic web service.
Ping-O-Matic is a web service to update different search engines that your contents has changed and need to be indexed.

JSitemap is built on "Data Sources", that allow you to embed into your sitemap items taken from whatever extension with no need of additional plugins.
You can create a new user defined data source with one-click wizard in few seconds and thanks to a powerful SQL Query Compiler™.

With JSitemap is available a powerful and user friendly SEO control panel to accomplish all common tasks required for sitemap management and use all existing submit methods supported by search engines.

Do all tasks with just one click even for non-expert administrators and avoid need to have a Webmasters Tools account!

JSitemap has unique features that let you generate different types of sitemap to gain top level SEO performance for your site. It works on every environment supporting fine tuning for server load resources and caching system during generation of sitemaps.

It's also capable to generate RSS feeds for your contents and for a lot of common Joomla extensions such as EasyBlog, Virtuemart, Kunena, K2, Docman and more. As always just one click to add a data source and include elements in the RSS feeds, and for not included common extensions a custom data source can be used to generate RSS feeds covering 99% of cases. Using datasets to manage multiple sitemaps it's possible differentiate the elements included in the sitemap from that included in the RSS feeds, with a single extension now you can satisfy both needs.

Take advantage of advanced sitemap formats such as the Geo sitemap. It's particularly useful for search engines to identify the exact location of your business or website and to serve most pertinent search results to users based on their location and origin. The Hreflang sitemap is the most powerful multilanguage sitemap that you can submit to search engines, instructing how your links are associated and related for all installed languages .

JSitemap ships with a special layout named 'Mindmap' that generates an amazing sitemap based on mindmap blocks that can be customized using the SCK – Sitemap Construction Kit™ settings for the layout. Once activated the Mindmap layout the sitemap will be generated accordingly to layout settings, using by default multiple columns layout and supporting responsiveness for mobile. Moreover you can rule advanced features such as animations, dragging of sitemap elements, etc

Let's go, take control of your contents! Using the Search Engines Metainfo Dashboard™ now you can finally instruct Google and search engines about the exact title and description that you want to be showed in search results for each page of your site contained in the sitemap! You can also control in a breeze which links should not be indexed by search engines. Moreover the title, description and image specified will work even for socials when your pages are shared because it uses the Open Graph protocol.

The new Google Indexing Tester™ lets you monitor exactly how your site is being indexed in Google SERP, to find out which links, titles and descriptions are indexed. Using this tool you can also perform searches for specific keywords, varying language and country. In this way you can understand how your site is positioned on Google in different countries or languages all around the world! The Google Indexing tester™ is an extreme powerful tool and it integrates with the official Google API for search results, offering you exact results directly in your Joomla! backend.

With JSitemap you are not limited to a single sitemap showed in the main area of your site when the component is executed in the frontend, for example linking a menu item to the HTML sitemap. You can manage modules to take advantages of multiple sitemap layouts and use that for example to render a footer quick-navigation structure or a side tree menu. Using the JSitemap module you will be able to choose displacement of sitemaps on your site using modules and positions, and select specific settings for each module, for example to show only data from a certain data source, choose a particular layout, etc

Another amazing feature of JSitemap is the integrated editor of htaccess file. Now you can avoid risks to break your site with wrong htaccess rules thanks to the integrated editor that uses versioning and htaccess restoration. Using the integrated editor of htaccess file you can add easily directives to manage 301 redirects and 404 pages. Everytime you add a new directive and save the htaccess file the versioning will be incremented for the current session, and you will be able to restore a previous version of the htaccess or even
restore the initial htaccess file using editor buttons.

Finally JSitemap includes integration with Google Analytics so that you can monitor Google Analytics stats directly inside the Joomla! backend using your Google account. This helps to monitor your site trend in a snap, JSitemap is a unique point of access for every SEO, stats and health information about your site.

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7 years ago
;-) 8)
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7 years ago
best sitemap!
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7 years ago
excelent !
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7 years ago
:D :D
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Abc Acb
Abc Acb
7 years ago
How to get point ?
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
7 years ago
Hi, please read http://joomlashare.ir/get-points
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6 years ago
8) Great!
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
Hi I have already paid 5 points for this components and others. Where are my download? I can't update. I paid for many download. Could you please fix this bug?
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
6 years ago
Hi, you can get updates from my downloads menu.
my downloads menu is available for users that have active subscription. you can buy subscriptions from here: http://joomlashare.ir/buy-subscription
and you can buy subscriptions with PayPal or points. you can earn points based on rules in http://joomlashare.ir/get-points
we also buy extensions subscription from users now and give them points. (based on price and remained time).
you can buy silver plan (just 10 €) and get updates + 2 new downloads.
for more information read this: http://joomlashare.ir/more/system-updates
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6 years ago
Hi. i have sent an email to ask that my download area is disappeared. I paid this component with points like other plugin and components. Where is my download area menu? Thanks
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
6 years ago
Hi, please read above our reply message
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6 years ago
I still don't understand some things.

Last year I bought a total of 13 extensions with you. I paid to download the extensions and also their updates.
Now, if I do not pay for a subscription, I can not download them.

I would like to know one thing. If I pay for the Silver subscription, can I only download two extensions or two downloads or one extension and one download?

And that, only for one month?

Does that mean that every time I want a new update, I'll have to pay € 10? Because normally there are no two updates of the same extension in the same month.

So if I add all the updates of a year, it is very likely that I will end up paying you the same money that the extension costs or more.

On the other hand, perhaps if a person needs 30, 50 or 100 extensions it may be good for him to buy a Gold subscription, but many people only need 5, 7, 9 extensions.

I would like to understand why I can not continue downloading, at least, the extensions that I paid for at the time.

I understand that if I want new ones, I have to pay them.

The thing changes if you tell me that, if I pay a Silver subscription, all the extensions that I had bought (a total of 13) appear again in my Area Client, and I can download all the updates.
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
6 years ago
Hi, yes, with any subscription you will have access to updates of all your previous downloads + new downloads.
silver plan: 2 new download + updates (for 1 month)
gold plan: 30 new download every month + updates (for X months)
many users helped us with these new plans because we now can update many extensions, and many new extensions is cumming too
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6 years ago
Ok. Thanks a lot for your response.

Now I have understood.

In that case, it seems good to me how you did it.

If we can download the updates it's really fine. That part was important.

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5 years ago
nice work compliments
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wesley marino
wesley marino
5 years ago
this includes sh404sef datasource plugin?
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
5 years ago
Hi, yes. all datasource plugins included
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4 years ago
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4 years ago

Want to buy this but when trying to do, I was redirected to a payment link that requested me to buy membership: €3.00 EUR for the first month, Then €10.00 EUR for each month ?

How do I buy 10 points to download this extension ?
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
4 years ago
Hi, you have 7 points in your account. then when you want to pay, it want just to pay 3€ to activate your subscription. and it will renew next month with 10€. please pay 3€ this month. and if you want it will renew next month with 10€, else you can cancel auto renew from your paypal.
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Sosyal Turlar
Sosyal Turlar
1 year ago
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Sosyal Turlar
Sosyal Turlar
1 year ago
Great! Thank you for sharing. Respects.
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9 months ago
Please update to JSitemap Pro 4.16
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5 months ago
Please update to JSitemap Pro 4.17
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3 months ago
Error, installation aborted. You are attempting to install an invalid package. Download a valid package at: https://storejextensions.org
خطا کامپوننت در نصب
افزونه به روز رسانی: نصب سفارشی با شکست مواجه شد.
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
3 months ago
سلام. اگر روی جوملا 3 نصب می کنید، نسخه مخصوص آن را از منوی دانلودهای من دانلود کنید
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Hot Chubby
Hot Chubby
2 months ago
version 4.18.2 is now available pls update thanks
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