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J2Store Product Image Popup

Pictures are worth a thousand words. Images attract users than the normal text descriptions. Stylize, organize and exhibit your product images in a beautiful manner with this app.

The app comes with three pop-up styles. It replaces the built in zoom effect and adds attractive pop-up styles to your product images.

3 pop-up styles

App supports three layouts with which you can display your images- The Photoswipe, The Lightgallery and The Fancybox. Now allow the users to swipe, popup and slideshow through the product images.

Popup width and height

Define the width and height of the popup images(Applicable only for the Photoswipe layout).

Share, Zoom and Download

Options to share the images in social media, zoom the images and download them are available(Applicable only for the Photoswipe layout).

Responsive and mobile-friendly

Displays responsive and mobile-friendly product images.

Only registered and logged in users can download this file.


10 months ago
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