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Geommunity Map for Easysocial

Geommunity Map for Easysocial 1.5.14

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This software is composed of a Joomla component and a Joomla module.

The Joomla component has 3 main purposes:

  • It provides global settings for the application
  • Backend manager for Map objects
  • FrontEnd Provide Ajax results to module requests
Views 6,126 Downloads 33
Version 1.5.14 Created
System Joomla 3 Changed 2020-07-10
Website JED external Developer Nordmograph external
License GNU/GPL external Price 34 € EUR

The module is used to display the map.

Here is a non exhaustive list of the application features:

  • Google maps Geolocation of most of your EasySocial Community Items
  • Ajax Loading for markers according to map viewport
  • Ajax Loading for infowindows on marker click
  • Integration of EasySocial located users from their address profile field
  • Profiletypes dynamic filter
  • Profile Custom field dynaminc filter
  • Display marker as Generic user marker or user avatar or Profiletype related marker
  • Integration of EasySocial Groups according to a group addressfield
  • Integration of EasySocial Photo Albums
  • Integration of EasySocial Photos
  • Integration of EasyBlog posts
  • Integration of EasySocial Events 80% completed
  • Integration of EasySocial Videos 80% completed
  • Integration of external KML files to embed additional data on the map
  • Dynamic Integration filter on map
  • Dynamic Marker clustering
  • Marker bounce on Filter options roll over
  • Dynamic clustering of Marker to provide a cleaner crowded map with marker count
  • Custom clustering option to enable if more than one marker share the same exact location coordinates, to have the data displayed in one cluster icon infowindow.
  • 'Teleportation' or Address search field thanks to Google Places API
  • Marker Search with Autocomplete
  • Directions and Itinerearies on every marker
  • Map Custom Styling
  • Map Parallax effect on page scroll up/down
  • Etc...
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5 years ago
plugin thank you bro
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3 years ago
Hi, I take a look to the changelog and the last version is 1.5.15
Please update with the latest version.
Thank you
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