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Performance Booster for K2

Performance Booster for K2 1.0.0

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Incredible plugin that will boost your K2 performance up to 80%!

Performance Booster is plugin specially designed to increase the loading speed of K2. Settings, extra fields and other information is stored in JSON format, this plugin force K2 to use the native JSON support of PHP5 or higher.

Views 5,081 Downloads 31
Version 1.0.0 Created
System Joomla 2.5 Changed 2020-12-03
Developer StyleWare
License GNU/GPL external Price 15 € EUR

To boost your K2 you just need to install & enable the plugin - that's it, just 3 clicks and your site will be up to 80% faster.

Just make sure that you have the latest version of K2 2.5+, Joomla 2.5 or 3.x, 3.5+ and your server is running PHP5 or higher!

Only registered and logged in users can download this file.

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