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JD Builder Pro

JD Builder has the complete designing solution for creating sturdy looking designs in Joomla. It comes with drag and drop layout builder and many other features like Live preview, inner row, copy paste element, duplicate, reverse column just to name a few, which makes it easier to design pixel perfect Joomla website.


Drag & Drop Builder

JD Builder has the fastest and most advanced drag and drop editor in Joomla. Design your web pages simply selecting the elements.

Responsive Editing

The Joomla page builder offers you responsive editing which means you can tweak each and every element to make it look perfect for all devices,without having to worry about the media-queries CSS.

30+ Elements

Select from over 2 dozen elements to create attractive yet subtle content. You can add buttons, forms, headlines, images, content boxes and much more.

200+ Predesigned Sections

JD Builder comes with pre-designed beautiful and responsive sections. You can access these sections even for free version of Joomla page builder as well.

50+ Pre Designed page templates

Choose from 50+ pre-designed free template landing pages to design your web pages. All the landing pages are free & responsive.

10+ Full Website Layout Packs Pro

We have added 10+ full website layout packs that has all the supporting pages like About, Services, Contact and almost every other page to need for your website.

Real-Time Preview

Edit and preview everything right in front of your eyes. No more previews, no more progress bars, all edits in real time.

Column Restructure

JD offers your full layout flexibility. You can choose the column structure from the pre-structured grid or make your own custom structure.


No Coding

Download Joomla page builder and say no to coding. Achieve any high-end design with the power of our layout building tool. No coding necessary.

Navigator Pro

Easily navigate among all the elements on your page with single click navigation. Get the bird's-eye view and manage your content effectively.

Shortcut Keys Pro

Use Keyboard shortcuts just as you’d use with Word or Excel. Save, Undo, Redo and others.

Shortcut Cheat Sheet Pro

With a single shortcut key, you can check out the list of available shortcut keys. So don’t worry if you can’t remember the keys we have a shortcut for that as well!

Undo/Redo Pro

Made some changes accidently? Or wanna go back to the previous changes? Don’t worry, undo any mistakes quickly with a simple shortcut key. You can easily undo or redo any of your actions.

Revision History Soon

Revision history makes JD Builder unique among other Joomla page builders. With Revision History, your entire page creation process is saved and can be easily retraced back.

Duplicate Page

Want to create the same page again & again? Simply select the page and just Duplicate it, just like you’d do it for a Joomla article.

Copy/Paste/Virtual Clipboard

Easily copy & paste any element within sections of the same page or different pages within the same website. Just like you’d copy & paste a text within your email or documents on your desktop.

Global Typography Pro

Set the desired font size, colors and other typography options on a site level so you don’t have to adjust the typography every time you are creating a new page.

Page-Level Typography Pro

Want to have a different typography for the complete page? Instead of changing it on different sections or elements, you can manage it at every page level.

Global Colors

Just like page level typography, set colors globally for message types and other global settings so you don’t have to adjust the colors every time you are making edits.

Restore Session

JD Builder periodically saves your updates on your browser’s session, so even if you accidentally close the page without saving your changes, you still have the ability to restore the last saved session and get back to right where you left.


Background Gradients

With the help of JD Builder, it is easy to add gradients background to any of your sections, rows or columns.

Background Videos

Easily Apply background videos as it’s no big deal. Add it to any section, row column or element for that matter.

Background Overlay

JD Builder enables you to add another layer of color or image above your background.

Shape Divider

Shape divider lets you separate two sections with the help of shapes. You can add interesting yet beautiful shapes and customize them as per your needs. There are 100’s of different shapes you can create based on different settings that are available.

Particles Backgrounds New

Particles background is a unique feature that comes the first time in the history of Joomla page builders. You can add different kinds of particles effects to your sections and rows. These are live animations which brings your sections & pages to life.

Box Shadow

Give your elements and edge by adding nice looking shadows. No CSS required, just adjust the settings a little bit and you’ll be done before you know it.

Custom Background positioning Pro

Custom background positions allow you to define where a background should be positioned within a section, row or column.

Icons Library

The Joomla page builder comes with a built-in icon library. You can choose icons from Font Awesome, Foundation Icons or Type Icons and combined these 3 libraries make up for over 1400+ icons in your Joomla backend.

Font Awesome Pro Integration New

If you want to use Font Awesome Pro with JD Builder, you can use it easily by just entering your Kit ID.

Pixabay Integration Pro

Use Pixabay images or videos directly within the JD Builder. This integration is a big-time saver for anyone planning to use pixabay’s 1 million+ free stock images.

SVG Support

JD Builder supports SVG images as well. Use SVG as background, images or whatever you’d rather use an image.

HTML Tag for Section, Row & Columns

Setting the right HTML tags for Sections, rows or columns is important for SEO. You can set any HTML tag such as Div, Header, Footer, Article, Section, Aside or Nav.

SEO & Marketing

Landing Pages

JD Builder comes with conversion-optimized pre-designed landing pages. Simply import and get your landing page ready within seconds.

SEO Settings

You can set browser title, description, and keywords for each of your web pages. No 3rd party SEO plugins needed.

Twitter Card

JD Builder supports Twitter Cards. Give a rich media experience to your users whenever they tweet your links.

Open Graph

JD Builder comes with Open Graph Integration which enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. You can add custom Title, Description & Image and have nice looking cards with twitter, facebook and google Amp.

FAQ Schema Pro

Markup your Frequetly asked questions with FAQ schema and get extra space in the SERP Ranking. It will help you to boost CTR as well.

Forms Pro

Add a beautiful and responsive contact form to your website without leaving the page builder.

Testimonial Carousel Pro

Increase trust in your brand with social proofs by adding a mobile-friendly testimonial carousel of your users.

Evergreen Countdown Pro

Trick your users with evergreen countdown. Display the same time frame to all visitors regardless of when they enter the page.

Countdown Timer Pro

Increase sales by adding a countdown timer to your offer. Users react immediately when they sense the urgency.


Call to Action element allow you to add attractive and responsive CTA sections on your web pages. It uses animations and CSS effects to make these sections more attractive.

Progress Bars Pro

Showcase your skills with the Progress bar element on your website. You can use animations and colors to make it more attractive.

Before & After Slider Pro

The before & after slider element allows you to display the before and after versions of an image. By simply sliding over them your users can experience the change.


Easy to customize

You don’t need to be master to use JD Builder. You can play with Font family, size, weight, transformation, style, line height, letter spacing and other settings easily from the background itself.

Title HTML Tag

The right Title HTML tag can help you to boost your SEO ranking. Choose from H1 to H6 HTML tag for your title.

Font size: PX, EM, REM, %

To make it more responsive, JD Builder comes with PX, EM, REM, and % units for Font Size. Choose whatever suits your needs.

Custom Fonts

Didn’t find the desired font in the list? Don’t worry, you can add your custom fonts to Joomla page builder and use them on your website. It’s as easy as upload and use. No configuration required.

Google Fonts

You can choose from 900+ Google fonts available in the typography field of each element.

Drop Cap

With the help of a Drop cap, you can style the first letter of your paragraph to make it more distinguished and attractive. This is very useful for blogs and all.

Text Shadow

Add Text Shadow effect to your content and make it unique. To add text-shadow, just play with available options, no coding required.

Line Height: PX, EM, REM, %

To control the responsiveness of your website, JD Builder offers you line height in typography with different units such as PX, EM, REM, %.

Text Decoration

With the help of the Text Decoration feature, you can add decorative lines such as underline, overline, line-through/strikethrough on you text.

Device-Specific Typography

The Joomla visual builder allows you to set different typography for different devices. You can set different font sizes for mobile, tablet and desktop devices.


Content Width

Go beyond the old school designs of the same size width patterns. With JD Builder, change the width of any of your content to extend all the way through the screen.

Section Height

With JD Builder, you can control the section height and set it Fit to Screen or give a minimum section height to achieve your design requirements.

Stretch Section

Stretch the section to the document width using JavaScript regardless of any template you are using.

Column Grid

Either choose from the pre-specified column structures or create your own custom column structure to achieve your design requirements.

Column Gap

Change the gap between columns to make a clean layout. You can set different column gaps for different screen sizes.

Content Position

Position your content vertically or horizontally with respect to its column height.

Margin and Padding

Set margin and padding easily to sections, rows, columns, and elements.


Put any section, column or element in the front or back, using the Z-index feature.

Horizontal & Vertical Alignment

Align and distribute elements across each column vertically and horizontally with the help of flexbox alignment.

Nested Columns

Create advanced layouts by adding nested columns inside a column. You can create nested columns with the help of the inner row element.

Fixed Position

Set your element to have a fixed position and place it wherever you like. The element will scroll alongside your user.

Duplicate Section, Row, Column or Element

If you need, you can easily duplicate any section, row, column or element with just a single click.

Disable any Section, Row, Column or Element

Don’t want to show any section, row, column or element, simply click on disable icon. It won’t show up on the frontend anymore.

Inline Elements

Inline elements allow you to add two elements side-by-side in the same column with inline width or custom width.

Mobile Editing

Fully Mobile Friendly

Use JD Builder’s mobile editing view to design Joomla website which is 100% responsive.

Reverse Columns

Reverse Columns feature allows you to reverse the order of the columns. This is very useful while creating layouts for mobile phones.


You can hide any section, row, column, and element on any device view.

Text Alignment

You can set different text alignments for different devices.

Box Shadow

You can add, remove or adjust box-shadow according to the screen size.

Padding and Margin

Need less padding or margin on mobile devices than desktop, you can easily adjust it with page builder.

Responsive Sizing

Choose between PX, EM, REM, and % for sizing inside JD Builder.

Border Radius

Set different border-radius for mobile, tablet and desktop views.

Responsive Column Sizing

Choose a different column layout for the mobile and tablet view by adjusting the column size.

Social Media

Social Icons

Add unlimited social icons from the available icon libraries to increase brand awareness and traffic toward your social profiles.

Facebook Page Pro

Add your Facebook page inside your Joomla website with the help of Facebook Page element to get more likes and followers.



Choose from the 50+ beautifully pre-designed website templates and get your website ready in minutes.


Can’t find the perfect landing page? Don't worry, design your web page using 100+ pre-designed sections.


You can export your template and import it including images to any other JD Builder powered website.

Search & Filter

Locate the template that best fits your needs by searching and filtering the available sections and templates.

Save as Template

After you finish designing your page, you can save the page as a template in the Template library and reuse it as many times as you want.

Save & Reuse Section Design Pro

You have created an awesome section and want to use it on any other page. Save it to your library and reuse it whenever and wherever you need.


Slider Pro

Add a simple yet responsive image with text slider to your website with the help of Slider element and grab the attention of your users.

Article Carousel Soon

The article carousel allows you to add Joomla articles within the slider. You have all the display controls that you want to show and how.

Font Awesome 5 Icons

You can take advantage of the integrated Font Awesome 5 library and use its unlimited icons.


The Joomla page builder includes TypeIcons integrations, so you can select the icons from it as well.

Foundation Icons

Not only Font Awesome and Typicons, but we have integrated Foundation Icons as well.

Font Awesome 5 Pro New

If you want to use the Font Awesome 5 Pro, you can use it within the page builder. Simply put your Kit ID and enjoy Font Awesome.

Pixabay Integration Pro

Use unlimited stock photos for your website from Pixabay. You don’t need to search for stock photos websites or even download them. Do this without even leaving JD builder backend control panel easily from its media manager.

Google Maps

Use Google map element and add multiple locations in the single map with custom markers, several map skins, custom address information box, etc.

Media Manager

JD Builder comes with an advanced media manager that supports all types of media files and also has the ability to import media directly from the URL.


Parallax Effects

Design your website with amazing animations and interactions like the parallax effects and surprise your users while they scroll through the page.

Flip Box Element Pro

Design animated boxes that flip to the other side on hover. You can set animations to add amazing effects.

Hover Animations

Create splendid hover animations that add yet another layer of interaction to your Joomla website.

Animated Heading Pro

Grab the attention of your user by adding an animated headline that highlights the most important part of your heading.

Sticky Sections Soon

Sticky Feature on section allows you to make the section sticky so it can follow the user as they scroll up or down.

Absolute Position

Use Absolute Positioning to drag any element to any location on the page, regardless of the grid.

Sticky Elements Soon

Like the Sticky Sections, you can also make a sticky element and it will follow the users on scroll.


Custom CSS

Add custom CSS to any section, row, column, element or page in JD Builder.


Set the HTML tag that surrounds your elements. You can choose from div, header, footer, main, aside, article and so on.

Presets Soon

Some elements have demo content included. You can add the pre-designed content for those elements easily.

Raw HTML Element

Need to add code to your web page? You can enter code directly into JD Builder using the raw HTML element.

Image Size

You can easily resize the images as per your design requirements. Setting up the proper image size can help you to load your website faster.

Regenerate CSS

Clear your CSS files and generate new files after making changes to your pages.

Custom ID

Extend your design with the help of Custom ID. You can use Custom ID on section, rows, columns and element level.

Custom Class

Extend your design with the help of Custom Class. You can use Custom Class on section, rows, columns and element level.

ACL Control

Allow or restrict access to specific Joomla user groups to view a particular page, section, row, column or element.


Video Tutorials

We have video tutorials for everything in JD builder, checkout out support page for easier access & documentation of every feature imaginable.

Forum Support

We are proud of our support. Have any questions or issue with JD Builder? Post us on our support forum and we’ll be able to help you in no time.

Email/Ticket Support Pro

If you are a pro user, you can ask for support via emails as well. Your issues will be our top priority.

Developer Friendly

JD Builder is completely developer-friendly. Follow our developer documentation and create elements and templates that extend JD Builder.

Fully Documented

We have documented each and every feature of JD Builder. You can even watch our video tutorials designing pages with JD Builder.

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3 years ago
This component says pro, but I can't set pro content, is that so? Or did I do something wrong?
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
3 years ago
Hi. it is pro. but maybe some features need license. we tested it in local wamp with no problem. tell us which section not work. we will check it and will remove license if possible.
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3 years ago
hola quisiera saber si este sp builder es pro realmente osea tiene desbloqueada las todas funciones del constructor como por ejemplo (galerias, formularios, sliders, progress bar, llamadas de accion, fuentes personalizadas y entre otras funciones mas q solo la pro tiene) porque la verdad tiene buena pinta JD builder espero su respuesta.
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
3 years ago
Hi, this is pro version.
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Julio Garcia
Julio Garcia
11 months ago
Yhis not working in Joomla 4, show this error message Class 'JObserverMapper' not found

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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
11 months ago
Hi, the developer ended support for this extension and not updated for latest jooma 4.
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