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CSS Async Loader

CSS Async Loader 2.1

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A large number of external style sheets and big CSS files can slow down your page load time. The site speed not only is important to user experience, but also determines web search rankings. As noted by Google, slow page load speed can affect SEO. This plugin allows you to load style sheets asynchronously, so that browsers do not block the rendering of a web page untill style sheets are loaded. To load CSS asynchronously you need to specify the style sheet URLs in the plugin settings. Allthough the styles are loaded with JavaScript, they are also available for the users that have JavaScript disabled.

Views 6,177 Downloads 13
Version 2.1 Created
System Joomla 3 Changed 2024-02-27
Website JED external Developer Philip Sorokin external
License GNU/GPL external Price 10 $ EUR
Only registered and logged in users can download this file.

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