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Main features of NTS KBee template.

Unique design

With each product we always make changes to the design but still ensure all elements of a traditional forum.

Fully responsive layout

All our templates are fully responsive layout and work well on all devices (Mobile, Tablet and Desktop).

Color chooser

The template supports color picker tool so user can manually configure color for some forum elements.

Rich typography

All typo elements have been supported in our kunena template, You can insert all typo elements in the forum post.

Continually updated

We always improve style / code or update all changes when the Kunena team release new version.

Easily customize

Add more your custom style to override style default and It will not be lost even you reistall kunena template.

Bootstrap 4 & 5 compatible

The template is fully compatible with Joomla! templates or Joomla! template frameworks built on the Bootstrap 4 & Bootstrap 5.

Compatible with Joomla templates

The template works perfectly on most popular Joomla! template framework (Helix Ultimate Framework, T4 Framework, Astroid Framework, Gantry Framework,... ).

ework (Helix Ultimate Framework, T4 Framework, Astroid Framework, Gantry Framework,... ).

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